How to Become a Good Manager

June 12, 2023
min read
How to Become a Good Manager

Good managers are valuable, but they're hard to come by. If you want to be a good manager yourself, there are several things you can do to improve your skills. Here are some tips for becoming a good manager:

Set clear goals

It's important to set clear goals and objectives for your team. The trick is knowing how to do it correctly:

  • Make sure that your goals are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound). A goal like "I want my team to be more productive" isn't specific enough; it doesn't tell you what kind of productivity increase you're looking for or how much more productive they should be. Instead of saying "I want my employees to work harder," say something like "My goal is for each member of this team has their workload reduced by 20% by June 30th."
  • Make sure your goals are measurable so that you can track progress towards achieving them throughout the year--and adjust accordingly if necessary! For example, if one employee isn't meeting her goals after several months on the job because she has fallen behind with her work due to personal issues outside the office (and there were no warning signs before hiring), then maybe it's time reconsider whether she should continue working here at all...
Communicate effectively
  • Be a good listener.
  • Use body language to convey your message.
  • Don't interrupt people when they are speaking, and don't use jargon or acronyms that people don't understand (unless it's a specialized field).
Manage your time well
  • Use a calendar. A calendar is your most important tool for managing your time, especially if you're working in an environment where other people are responsible for their own schedules. The best way to stay on top of things is by checking off tasks as they are completed, so use a paper calendar or one that syncs with your smartphone or computer desktop app (such as Google Calendar).
  • Make a to-do list. Tasks can get overwhelming and overwhelming tasks lead us into procrastination mode--don't let this happen! Make sure all the things that need doing are written down somewhere so that when it comes time for work, there's no question about what needs doing first or how much time each task will take up on average per day/week/month etc...and then prioritize those items accordingly based on priority level (high, medium low). Once again: write these things down somewhere so they don't slip through the cracks!
Handle conflict effectively

Conflict is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. It's important to recognize when conflict is happening and then be prepared to manage it effectively. When you're ready for some heated debates or tense discussions, here are some things you can do:

  • Make sure everyone involved knows their role in the situation--you want everyone on equal footing so that there are no surprises later on in the discussion.
  • Get all facts straight before opening up dialogue with others; otherwise, your information may not be accurate or complete enough for productive conversations about how best resolve disputes between team members or coworkers who disagree on certain issues (e.,g., how much money should be spent at an upcoming company event).
Look for opportunities for growth
  • Look for opportunities for growth.
  • Be a lifelong learner.
  • Take on new challenges and seek out experiences that will help you grow as a manager.
  • Read books, articles, and blogs about management; attend seminars or conferences; get feedback from colleagues and friends who have experience managing people--and ask questions!
Be a role model

As a manager, you are the role model for your team. This means that they will look to you for guidance and inspiration. You need to be approachable and friendly so that they can come to you with any problems or concerns they have. To do this effectively, make sure that:

  • You're approachable - don't hide behind closed doors or avoid eye contact when talking with people; instead make yourself available as much as possible so that everyone knows they can talk freely with their manager if needed
  • You're open - listen carefully when someone has something important on their mind, rather than interrupting them before they've finished speaking
  • You're honest - admit when things go wrong (even if it wasn't entirely your fault) rather than making excuses or blaming others
Becoming a good manager takes time and effort, but it is worth it!

Becoming a good manager takes time and effort, but it is worth it!

Managing people is hard work. It takes time to learn how to manage yourself, your team and your company. If you're interested in becoming a manager, here are some tips for getting started:


Becoming a good manager takes time and effort, but it is worth it! The great news is that all of these skills can be learned and improved upon with practice. If you are interested in becoming a better manager, we encourage you to start with one area of focus at a time and repeat this process until all five areas are mastered. Good luck!

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